Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Enhancing my nutrition - here's how

So, many of my mummy friends and fellow fitness fans have been asking me what all the fuss is about regarding this new nutrition drive that I’m undertaking, what I’m actually doing and why. What is Isagenix, does it really work and how?

Well, in short, over the next few weeks, I’m going to find out. If I’m honest, I need some more happy in my life and, while the exercise and mindfulness is working wonders, I’ve been looking for some added ways to improve my overall wellbeing. So, I’ve decided to look at my nutrition, with the aim of achieving a better lifestyle moving forward.

I can’t stress enough how getting the right fuel into your body makes all the difference, while a diet full of toxins, in addition to the likes of smoking and heavy drinking can make you feel like absolute shite (to put it bluntly). I mean, how can you expect a diesel car to run well if you put petrol in it?

But the thing is, I do like a drink of an evening (don’t most overworked Mums?) …. And because the thought of completely giving up everything that I enjoy sends me cold, frankly, I have been looking at ways to help my body by putting more of the right stuff in, while not taking (all) of the bad stuff out.

So, here’s what I’m trying in the lead up to Christmas to see how much better it makes me feel. This is in addition to HIIT four times a week, while reading more into mindfulness and focusing on the positive influences in my life.

Cleanse day – twice a month

A cleanse day involves not eating all day, but taking on the right amount of nutrients your body needs through specially formulated liquids, with the odd little snack added in.
It’s a great way to flush all of the toxins out of your body, strengthen your immune system, support your vital organs and give your liver a break.
And I was pleased to say, in the days after, I felt a real boost, both to my focus and positivity along with a reduction of fatigue and a visible improvement to my health.

Products required for a cleanse day include the revitalising Nourish for Life drink and Ionix Supreme – a shot which you can take every morning to manage stress and enhance wellbeing throughout the day.

I also used the Amped Hydrate drink, as I like to work out most days – so this helps replenish the vitamins, electrolytes and water that your body loses during exercise.


And then this brings me onto the Isagenix e-shot…
Sometimes when I exercise it feels like wading through cement. But exercise is something which needs to be done regularly in order to maintain healthy levels of fitness.

That’s why I love the e-shot – because it’s like giving yourself an energy boost before exercise with none of the nasties in it. Essentially, it’s made from caffeine, but this is naturally sourced plant based caffeine, which comes from green tea and yerba mate, both of which are considered to have much better effects on the body than tea and coffee.

So, you get the alertness and boost, without the headaches, shakes, or dips in energy afterwards.

Here are some of the other products I’m trying:

IsaLean Shake – people often have these when they’re looking to lose weight, or maintain it. Personally, while weight loss isn’t a massive thing for me, I quite like the thought of swapping the midday crisps and biscuits for a milkshake which contains only the right nutrients. So I thought I’d give this a go to see how replacing the naughty food with the right stuff can help.

IsaMove – there has been lots in the press lately about how people aren’t getting enough magnesium in their diets. This in turn can aid depression – something which is big on my agenda to tackle. Taking this daily supplement before bed helps support the body’s natural functions overnight, enabling it to better absorb nutrients, recover and repair from the stresses of the day before.

So, that’s it – the reasons why I’m focusing on nutrition and how I’m planning to do it!
Will feedback over the next few weeks on how well it worked and in the meantime, if you would like to know more, give me a shout or get in touch with my scientist buddy Lynsey Stuart at lynzagenix@gmail.com, or via her Facebook page – aptly calledLynzagenix.





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