Lately I've been looking at the subjects of happiness, kindness and inner peace.
Ok, don't worry, I'm not becoming a hippy 45 years too late. I just think we all need a little feel good in our lives and if done in a positive way, hopefully it will do us the world of good, maybe even those around us.
I've been lucky enough to do some work recently for the fabulous personal trainer Kelly Rennie, one of the authors of The Fit Mummy Manual
She's got some brilliant tips for getting back into shape post pregnancy, but one of her tips that really struck me was the theory of Positive Self Talk.
This is a technique sometimes used to help athletes stay focused and in an optimal state of mind. It is an internal conversation to create motivation, specific positive emotions, and belief.
The trick is not to listen to the voice that says: “This is too hard, I can't do it anymore,” because when we hear these words, they become our belief.
Instead you create a positive belief and therefore, a positive outcome. If you tell yourself you can do one more repetition or walk one more mile, you will.
It might sound a bit too idealistic to start with, but in thinking back on my life, it really makes sense.
One example – I used to be terrible at cross country at school. Then one day I thought, no, why shouldn't I be as good as the others?
From that day on I was always in the top ten finishers. It really honestly wasn't anabolic steroids, I just started believing in myself.
Even now when I go for a run, initially I start to get tired and think I'm going to stop, then I tell myself I can go further and all of a sudden it's fine again.
And for those of us who have been through problematic labours, for example, you might have got to a point where you thought "I can't do this anymore". I know I did.
Fact is you have to get through it one way or another, what other choice do you have? And this is where positive self talk can come into its own.
If you tell yourself you can do something and really believe it, chances are you will be able to do it. I honestly believe we're capable of so much more than we think. Maybe all it takes is a little more self confidence and self belief?
It's like the theory of the mum lifting the car off her run over child. Would you really believe that could happen? It just goes to show the strength of positive belief. If you want something enough you can do it.
I can't get over how strong our minds can be. Sometimes it feels like our minds are so much stronger than our bodies.
Access the true positive strength of your mind and you will be able to achieve so much more. That is something I truly believe, hippy or no hippy!
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