Friday, 13 June 2014

The travel bug has hit!

This beautiful sunshine really is fabulous isn't it!

I flipping love the summer and one thing that sunshine makes me dream of is travelling to far flung climes for a lovely relaxing break or the chance to do some exploring!

Thing is, with most of us feeling the pinch these days, that dream holiday really needs to be right first time doesn't it...  And cheap!

After all, once we've raided the poor piggy bank for the umpteenth time, who knows when we'll get the chance again?

So I've put together my wish list for a perfect holiday:

Leg room on the plane - it's nice to make friends, but those seats really are crammed into the plane aren't they? I think shorter people must feel cramped, but, being of the giraffe variety myself, enough space is a must!

Kiddy friendly passengers on the plane and in the hotel as well as understanding staff... Whole new ball game when you have children isn't it? Say no more..!

Clean and functional hotel - I really don't want to travel to somewhere that's like a dirtier version of home. I want some luxury and to feel pampered when I'm on holiday.. High maintenance? Moi?

Everything done for you - look, I'm not talking about helping me wash and dress here, just having someone else do the cooking and clearing up would be AMAZING!

Safe spaces for children to play - as mentioned above, it is a different ball game when travelling with little ones, but if you do get a chance to relax for five minutes you want to know they can't go far and get into any danger.

Happy children.. make for happy mummies and daddies.

No massive queues - made all the worse by doing it in the stifling heat. Go on, open up another counter, pleeeease!

And finally... I spend much of my mummy life craving it... Peace!

(So no holidays next to building sites or banging nightclubs please!)

If you can find me all of this for the price of a bus ticket, couple of receipts, a few moths and the rest of the fluff in my handbag, I'll be happy!

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