Saturday, 17 June 2017

How tragic events of late are changing me

Sometimes it’s so easy to exist in this little bubble of loveliness that we create for ourselves, completely oblivious to the world around us.

But, in recent times, whether you live on a remote island or in the heart of the city, it’s hard to miss some of the life changing and terrible things that have been going on.

I’m not even talking of the atrocities of Syria or Middle Africa - these images and news stories in particular, more horrific than ever. What I’m talking about is the stories closer to home.

Tragic events unfolding in London and Manchester. Stories which now, on a regular basis, make us hold our children that bit closer at night and remember to tell them more than ever, how much we love them.

Attacks happening left, right and centre on people, innocent people, who did nothing more than to just try and co-exist on this odd little planet of ours.

And worse still - attacks on young ones. Mindless violence that makes your stomach feel like it could escape through your mouth, while you dissolve into an endless torrent of disbelief and sadness.

Amidst all this, it’s had me wondering, why on earth do some still fail to drag their heads out of their own arses and start putting others first?

Why is it so hard to understand that our actions impact the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of others?

From the smile at a stranger on the street to the helping hand, or the friendly compliment, moment of chivalry at a road junction, or act of charity, given with the aim of bringing light to the lives of people who are wondering where it’s gone.

I’m not going to bang on much more about being nice, because, while I think that it’s in us all, some just forget they have it (or conveniently forget).  But you know me, I always try to find the positive.

And, what I will say, is that among all this I see moments of beauty, kindness, love and light. People changing the lives of others, simply for the sake of helping those less fortunate than themselves.

It’s that which gives me hope. That which makes me believe we can fight this scourge of evil. Not through hatred, but by carrying on regardless, like our grandparents and great grandparents did before us.

By believing in what we stand for, by setting the best examples and showing the world that no matter how dark things get, our spirit and resolve will never be weakened.

Live life, love and be happy. Bring this light to others, be enlightened and fulfilled.

Stop trying to be something you aren’t, allowing others to shape the way you think and act - and let yourself be happy in who you are. Kill anger and hate with kindness, positive action and thoughtfulness – it works loads more, I promise.